Enhance Your Website Security with a Simple JavaScript IP Logger via Telegram

🔍 A Simple IP Logger That Sends Info via Telegram

Looking for an effective way to track IP addresses from potential scammers, bots, or other suspicious activities on your website? This straightforward JavaScript IP logger is the perfect solution! Not only does it log IP addresses, but it also provides detailed information about the user—crucial for maintaining your online platform's security. 🔐

🌐 Why Use an IP Logger?

IP logging is an essential security measure for identifying and analyzing traffic on your website. Whether you're dealing with bots, spammers, or unwanted visitors, tracking and logging their IP addresses gives you valuable insight into your site's security and performance. 📊

💻 How Does It Work?

This IP logger leverages the power of FingerprintJS2, geoiplookup.io API, and a Telegram bot to send the collected information directly to your Telegram account. With just a few lines of code, you can integrate this logger into your website and start monitoring IP addresses in real-time. ⏱️

📦 Setup Guide

To use this IP logger, follow these simple steps:

  1. 📥 Clone the repository from GitHub:
  2. git clone https://github.com/alexvarboffin/IPloggerViaTelegram.git
  3. 🔗 Integrate the logger into your website by adding the following lines to your web page's HTML code. Ensure that the file paths correctly point to the respective JS files:
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js">
    <script src="fingerprintjs2/fingerprint2.js"></script>
    <script src="logger.js"></script>
    <script> sendIpsTelegram(TOKEN_TELEGRAM, CHAT_ID); </script>
  5. 🔑 Replace TOKEN_TELEGRAM and CHAT_ID with your actual Telegram bot token and chat ID.

📧 What Information Will You Receive?

When someone visits your site, the script will capture and send the following details to your Telegram bot:

  • 🛜 IP Address: Includes ISP, organization, hostname, and geographic location (latitude, longitude, city, country, etc.).
  • 🔗 Connection Information: Such as connection type, ASN number, and organization.
  • 👤 User Details: Including the user agent and a unique fingerprint hash.

Here is an example of the JSON data you will receive:

  "IP": {
    "ip": "",                      // IP address of the user
    "isp": "Comcast Cable Communications",    // Internet Service Provider name
    "org": "Comcast Corporation",             // Organization name associated with the IP
    "hostname": "",                // Hostname associated with the IP address
    "latitude": 40.7128,                      // Latitude of the IP address location
    "longitude": -74.0060,                    // Longitude of the IP address location
    "postal_code": "10007",                   // Postal code of the IP address location
    "city": "New York",                       // City associated with the IP address
    "country_code": "US",                     // Country code (ISO Alpha-2) for the IP address
    "country_name": "United States",          // Full country name associated with the IP address
    "continent_code": "NA",                   // Continent code associated with the IP address
    "continent_name": "North America",        // Full continent name associated with the IP address
    "region": "New York",                     // Region or state associated with the IP address
    "district": "Manhattan",                  // District or borough associated with the IP address
    "timezone_name": "America/New_York",      // Timezone name for the IP address location
    "connection_type": "Corporate",           // Type of connection (e.g., Corporate, Residential)
    "asn_number": 7922,                       // ASN number associated with the IP
    "asn_org": "Comcast Cable Communications",// Organization name associated with the ASN
    "asn": "AS7922 - Comcast Cable Communications", // ASN details
    "currency_code": "USD",                   // Currency code used in the IP location
    "currency_name": "US Dollar",             // Full currency name used in the IP location
    "success": true,                          // Status of the IP lookup operation
    "premium": false                          // Indicates if the lookup was performed with a premium service
  "fingerprintHash": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e", // Unique fingerprint hash of the user's device
  "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.159 Safari/537.36" // User agent string of the browser used

🎯 Benefits of Using This IP Logger

  • 📲 Real-Time Alerts: Receive immediate notifications of suspicious activity.
  • 📈 Detailed Analytics: Gain insights into the geographical and technical details of your site visitors.
  • 🔒 Enhanced Security: Quickly identify and block potential threats to your website.

By integrating this simple yet powerful IP logger into your website, you can enhance your security measures and keep better track of who’s accessing your site. Whether you're dealing with potential cyber threats or simply want to monitor visitor activity, this tool provides the data you need directly to your Telegram account, ensuring you're always in the loop. 🛡️

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