Solving the problem of package name conflict on Google Play Market: How to choose a unique packageName to successfully download the application

 I try to upload a new version to Play Market, but meet below error. The sharp are my own package name. Then I rollback all my changes, there is still such a problem. I upload it in App bundles format.

Remove conflicts from the manifest before uploading. The following content provider authorities are in use by other developers: com.###.fileprovider, com.###.firebaseinitprovider, com.###.mobileadsinitprovider.


 The error is that the packageName of the application is already taken and you need to come up with a new one, and you can check that the packageName is free by going to

 If the page opens with an "Application not found" or similar notification, this may indicate that the package name you selected is likely available for use. If you see information about an already existing application, it means that this name is already taken by another developer.

 The error you encountered when uploading a new version of an application to Google Play Market is due to a conflict in the package names (packageName) of your application. It seems that the specified package name is already used by other developers for their applications. Your application has specific content providers such as com.###.fileprovider, com.###.firebaseinitprovider, com.###.mobileadsinitprovider, and these names are already used by other applications on the Google Play Store. Because of this, it is necessary to choose a unique package name for your application to avoid conflicts and successfully upload it to the Google Play Market platform. To check the availability of a new package name (packageName) before uploading to the Google Play Store, you can use the instructions above

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